6 Must-Have CRM Features for Real Estate Agents
As a real estate agent, maintaining your database is vital for success. Despite how important it is, many agents fall behind. With the help of CRM (Customer Relationship Management), your database can be automated. This means, you won’t have to worry about missing an email, forgetting a meeting or forgetting a contact every again.
Below are the top 6 reasons why every real estate agent needs a CRM.
1. Automate Communication
As your business grows, so too will your client database. With the help of real estate CRM, you won’t have to worry about forgetting an email or mistaking a name. CRM’s have been designed to pull information from multiple platforms. For example, a CRM can be programmed to sync with your email, website, advertisements and, more.
This guarantee’s that every single one of the connections you make is saved and organized automatically. Once uploaded, future communication can also be automated. This feature lets you schedule emails, calls or text messages for the person to receive. This is a great tool to use to maintain contact with your database without having to waste time manually sending emails.
2. Capture New Leads
A CRM is a great way to capture new leads and turn them into clients. The system automatically filters in leads from landing pages, advertisements, websites, and more. Once uploaded, the system can send out automated emails, or information. These messages can be pre-set to send every week, month or day depending on your preference. This guarantee’s that every lead is connected with and no one is forgotten. Keep in mind these automated emails will stop as soon as you get a response.
3. Maintain Contact
A CRM will help you keep in touch with past clients. That’s because, the system can be programmed to remind you of important events or dates to send messages. The program also makes it easy to send out mass pieces of communication. For example, you can use it to easily send out holiday messages or check- ins. Not maintaining communication can cause previous clients to forget about your work and turn to other agents. But, a CRM will remind you to keep in touch with all your contacts.
4. Organize Your Database
Given the number of programs and systems available, your clients are likely saved in multiple. Rather than struggle to organize your clients manually you should consider a CRM. That’s because, a CRM will be able to automatically stream contacts from various sources. Once uploaded, contacts will automatically filter into categories. This can increase productivity by making communication easier. That’s because, you won’t waste time trying to locate a name or checking multiple systems.
5. Send Reminders
Another great feature of a CRM is its ability to send direct reminders. These reminders can be set to send to you, or to other members of your team. As well, you can program the system to send you updates when you miss responding to emails.
6. Track Progress
Most CRM’s monitor your response rate. This means, you will receive reports detailing how you handled messages over a given period of time. This can be used to show you where you are falling behind. That way, you know how you need to improve in order to maintain your contacts. In addition to monitoring your response rate, a CRM will monitor the dates of communication. Monitoring this can show you exactly how long it’s been since you contacted a client. Simply knowing the date will hold you reliable to follow up before more time passes.